Brews a big-bodied and sweet, viscous cup. Found in every cucina in Italy, the moka pot is a true blue classic invented in the 1930s.
Step 1
Preheat the water. Bring kettle water to a boil and remove from heat.
We do this to keep the temperature of the moka pot from getting too hot and cooking the coffee, imparting a metallic taste.
Step 2
Grind your coffee on a drip coffee setting, about as fine as table salt. You need enough coffee to fill the filter basket, which is about 15 to 17 grams (or about 2.5 Tablespoons) for a 4-cup Bialetti moka pot.
Step 3
Add the heated water and fill to the line in the bottom of the brewer.
Step 4
Insert the filter basket into the brewer bottom.
Step 5
Fill the basket with coffee, slightly mounded, and level the surface off with your finger. Brush away loose grounds on the top edge of the filter basket.
Step 6
Screw the top and bottom together. Use hot pads and don’t over tighten.
Step 7
Put the brewer on the stove, use moderate heat and make sure that the handle is not subjected to heat. Leave the top lid open.
Step 8
The coffee will begin to come out and you will hear a puffing sound and see a rich-brown stream that will get progressively lighter in color. Once the stream is the color of yellow honey, remove from heat source with hot pads and close the lid.
Step 9
Wrap the bottom of the pot in a chilled bar towel or run under cold tap water to stop extraction.
We do this to prevent the coffee from developing a metallic taste. The idea here is to get a relatively small amount of coffee which is very concentrated and rich.
Step 10
As soon as the coffee stops bubbling out, pour it into cups or a carafe. You may wish to dilute with hot water depending on preference.
Good luck!