Born and bred in Portland, OR, Stumptown has long been home to bike-commuting, curbside-composting characters who care deeply about our impact on the communities in which we reside and this planet we call home.
Since our founding in 1999, we've been on a mission to serve the highest quality coffees in the world, roasted daily, in a manner that’s good for people and planet. But we haven't always codified those efforts into standardized practices. Which is why, in 2018, we made the decision to formalize our community and sustainability efforts by becoming BCorp certified. The assessment isn’t easy: it evaluates how we run our business and its impacts on workers, the environment, the communities in which we operate, and the farms where we source coffees around the world.
The BCorp certification process taught us we’ve been doing a lot of things well. But it also taught us we had room to grow: we needed to get better at setting goals, tracking progress, and communicating what we’re up to.
That last piece—communicating what we’re up to—is what we’re doing today. We’re proud to share our progress in the form of our first-ever Sustainability and Impact Report.
For those of you who like to nerd out, click here to read the full, 65-page report. For the rest of us, here’s a summary of the big takeaways:
Stumptown’s Direct Trade sourcing delivers great coffee to our customers and higher quality of life to producers around the world. And Stumptown's investments in origin-led projects create solutions to sustainability challenges in coffee producing communities.
The Humans of Stumptown are talented and dynamic and Stumptown has cool programs for employees to grow their multidimensional selves. We're also super involved in our local communities through volunteering, civic engagement and donations of cash, coffee and cold brew.
Stumptown is committed to sustainability in our cafes, breweries, and our roasting and manufacturing facilities—we’re rolling out plans to reduce energy consumption, water consumption and landfill-bound waste.
After more than 21 years, we guess you could say we’re starting to grow up. But we’re also proud to say we’re still motivated by the same things that have inspired us since 1999: making great coffee, being kind to our communities and doing right by the planet.
Thanks for drinking Stumptown.