Cold Brew with OATLY Variety Pack


Can’t decide which Cold Brew with Oatly to pick? We feel ya. That’s why we put them all together in one crazy-good-delicious variety pack sporting one of each flavor.


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When you love Oatly as much as we do, there’s only one way to satiate the heart: A Cold Brew with Oatly variety pack. Not only do our friends at Oatly know their way around an oat, they also share our commitment to sustainable business practices without compromising fun or deliciousness. And we’re pretty sure they share our undying love for variety packs, too.

- 11 oz cartons
- 100% vegan
- Low sugar
- Includes one of each flavor: Original, Chocolate, and Horchata
- Caffeine equivalent of 8 oz of cold brew (about 1.5 cups of drip coffee)
- 100% recyclable packaging—made from 53% renewable material

Cold Brew with OATLY Variety Pack-Stumptown Coffee

Cold Brew with OATLY Variety Pack $15

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