Colombia Huayku


A beloved coffee at Stumptown since 2013, Huayku is grown and produced by the Federación Abades—a group of over 200 smallholder coffee producers—in the mountainous region of Nariño.


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The Flavor Profile

Tasting Notes

Zesty and lush with notes of dates, hibiscus, and structured dark chocolate

  • Date

  • Hibiscus

  • Dark Chocolate

The Story

Stumptown first partnered with this group through the CRS Borderlands Project, which aimed to develop market access for previously unorganized smallholders. After the project ended, the producers formed Federación Abades, and named their coffee “Huayku," a Quechua word that refers to the dramatic valley landscapes of the region.

In recent years, Abades has invested in their organization through ongoing training in quality control, the construction of a new cooperative headquarters, and the creation of a rotating fertilizer fund for members.

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Colombia Huayku $25

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