Guatemala El Injerto Bourbon

$25.00 / Shipment

For decades, the Aguirre family of Finca El Injerto have pushed the boundaries of quality, innovation, and sustainable farming practices to produce this complex and consistently delicious single-origin coffee.


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The Flavor Profile

Tasting Notes

A sweet combination of orange sherbert and buttery chocolate.

  • Orange

  • Cherry

  • Milk Chocolate

How To Brew

The Story

We’ve been partnering with father and son team Arturo Aguirre Sr. and Arturo Aguirre Jr. who own and operate Finca El Injerto since 2003. Not only do they produce and process some of the highest-quality coffees in Guatemala, they also remain committed to respecting and preserving the natural environment.

More than half of the land at El Injerto is a protected forest—the largest in Huehuetenango, a highland city in western Guatemala. And in 2017, Finca El Injerto became the first Guatemalan farm to obtain Carbon Neutral Certification.

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Guatemala El Injerto Bourbon $25

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