Kalita Wave Filters (100 Pack)


Flat-bottom ridged paper filters for the Kalita Wave pour-over brewer.


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How to Brew

These guides serve as a good place to start. The grinder you use, coffee you choose, and yes, even the water from your sink, can alter the taste in the cup. Play around with your brewer and parameters to get each coffee to taste just how you like it.

  1. Rinse filter

    Place filter in brewer & rinse

  2. Measure and grind

    Add 21g ground coffee (table salt) & tare scale

  3. Saturate grounds

    Start timer, saturate grounds with 60g water & stir

  4. Second pour

    At :45, pour water to 200g by 1:00

  5. Pulse and wait

    Pour in small amounts (25 to 50g) until scale hits 375g

  6. Serve and Enjoy

    At 2:45 to 3:00, remove brewer and enjoy


A flat-bottom paper filter specifically designed to fit the Wave brewer and create a clean and even extraction.

- Brews a single 10 oz cup
- Pack of 100 paper filters
- Size #185
- Made in Japan

Kalita Wave Filters (100 Pack)-Stumptown Coffee

Kalita Wave Filters (100 Pack) $13

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