Melitta #4 Filters (100 Pack)


Invented by German mum Melitta Bentz in 1908, this versatile, cone-shaped filter promises a clean cup every time.


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How to Brew

These guides serve as a good place to start. The grinder you use, coffee you choose, and yes, even the water from your sink, can alter the taste in the cup. Play around with your brewer and parameters to get each coffee to taste just how you like it.

  1. Weigh and grind coffee

    21g ground as fine as table salt

  2. Prep the brewer

    Add filter, rinse, then add coffee

  3. Saturate the grounds

    Start timer, pour, then stir

  4. Fill the brewer

    Slowly pour until water fills brewer (about 1:00)

  5. Serve and enjoy

    At 2:00, remove brewer & enjoy


Fits Bee House, Snow Peak dripper, and most 8- to 12-cup cone-shaped pour-over brewers.

- 100 filters per box
- Chlorine-free paper
- Double-crimped for extra strength
- Made in the USA

Melitta #4 Filters (100 Pack)-Stumptown Coffee

Melitta #4 Filters (100 Pack) $6

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